virginia lopez-anido                                                                                                                                                    

virginia lopez-anido (b. 1993) is an artist that is interested in the ways that inherited traditions in textile crafts can be containers for time, place, and memory. her practice pushes beyond conventional uses of material, it is process-based, and engages with textiles as a source for many modes of making. she received her bachelor of arts in studio arts from bard college and has been awarded artist fellowships at fundación antonio gala and la térmica centro cultural de málaga. for the last decade she has been involved in community-oriented and educational artist spaces in new york, los angeles, and maine. she has worked professionally as a ceramics technician, studio assistant, bookseller, art model, political organizer, teaching artist, museum fabricator and arts non-profit coordinator. currently living on unceded wabanaki territory.

e: vlopezanido at gmail dot com